N.3-4, Winter 2007-Spring 2008
Special issue on:
Architecting the future
Table of contents
Harold Thimbleby
'Teaching HCI to make it come alive', pp. 9-16, abstract, download
Paper and lions
Russell Beale
'Architects or builders; scaffolding or duck tape?', pp. 19-22, abstract, download
discussion by Luca Galli (pp. 23-25, download), Tatjana Leblanc (pp. 26-27, download), Lars Oestreicher (pp. 28-29, download)
Experiences and perspectives
Lars Oestreicher
'Complexity in Technical Systems A New HCI Education Issue?', pp. 33-39, abstract, download
Tatjana Leblanc, Sylvain Giroux, Marilyne Teuwen
'Knowledge-Building Environments', pp. 40-47, abstract, download
Luca Galli
'Unfreezing thoughts. Philosophy, Design Studies and role-playing games in a foundational undergraduate course', pp. 48-51, abstract, download
Barbara McManus, Janet Read, Gavin Sim
'Here Today - Where Tomorrow?', pp. 55-58, abstract, download
Toni Granollers, Marta Oliva, Roberto GarcÃa, Rosa Gil
'Project-Based Learning applied to a Master in HCI', pp. 59-66, abstract, download
Miguel A. Redondo, Manuel Ortega, Ana I. Molina
'HCI curricula in Faculty of Computer Science Engineering at Castilla-La Mancha University (Spain): overview and new proposal', pp. 67-72, abstract, download
M. Cameron Jones, Michael B. Twidale, Ingbert R. Floyd
'Teaching Design with Personas', pp. 75-82, abstract, download
Corina Sas, Alan Dix
'Business-driven assignment for teaching HCI', pp. 83-89, abstract, download
Sus Lundgren
'Controlled Confusion: Teaching complex multidisciplinary group work', pp. 90-93, abstract, download
Rolf Nordahl, Stefania Serafin
'Using problem based learning to support transdisciplinarity in an HCI education', pp. 94-101, abstract, download
Sus Lundgren
'Teaching Gameplay Design is Teaching Interaction Design', pp. 102-109, abstract, download
Virtue of virtuality
Marco Bani, Elisa Ciregia, Francesco Genovesi, Enrica Salvatori, Beatrice Rapisarda, Maria Simi
'Learning by creating historical buildings in Second Life', pp. 113-116, abstract, download
Carlo Giovannella, Andrea Camusi
'Tools for an Augmented Design: quantitative virtual show&tell', pp. 117-124, abstract, download
Kari-Jouko Räihä, Saila Ovaska, David Ferro
'Observations on Peer Evaluation using Clickers', pp. 127-134, abstract, download
Chantal Intrator, Filipe M. P. Napolitano, Simone D. J. Barbosa
'Cuizz - In-Class Probing of Learning Bits', pp. 135-143, abstract, download
Liu Wei
'Design Tangible Interaction', pp. 144-155, abstract , download
HCIEd Student Design Contest
Vanessa Carpenter
'Learning in Liquid Place', pp. 159-162, abstract , download
Nora O' Murchù
'+flow paper+', pp. 163-166, abstract, download
Anders Mellbratt, Nils Wiberg
'Interacting With Urbanity', pp. 167-169, abstract, download