Architects or builders; scaffolding or duck tape?
Russell Beale
pp. 19-22 - download
In this paper I reflect on the role of HCI Education in University level courses. The theme of the conference is ‘Architecting the Future’ and I analyse what we mean by this in terms of HCI Education. As a community we seem to have moved from fundamental HCI issues through usability and user-centered design, and last year were all about design and creativity – have we moved one step beyond again and moved to architecting the future? And if so, is this appropriate for our students?
Four principles for HCI Education are presented that address the pressures that students and the curriculum is under. Further approaches to assisting HCI Education are given, in the light of case study experiences.
keywords: HCI Education, reflections, design, contex
discussions by
Luca Galli
pp. 23-25 - download
In this commentary, we elaborate on the necessity to choose among a wider, higher-level conceptual approach and a more concrete, skills oriented one in HCI education, as a result of HCI enlarging scope and curriculum pressures. First, the role and usefulness of more abstract topics are discussed, and second, some reflections on how to cover them in HCI education are presented.
Tatjana Leblanc
pp. 26-27 - download
Lars Oestreicher
pp. 28-29 - download
In his paper “Architects or Builders; scaffolding or duck tape?” (in this volume) Russell Beale states that we might not educate the students right for the challenges of HCI that are to come. The paper asks for the right way, a strict architectural view, or a view with the focus on the practical work at a lower level.
In this commentary I will argue the intention of question itself rather than if there is a single correct answer, since my feeling is that the paper addresses a both classic and important issue, but reaches a somewhat unsatisfactory conclusion