N. 48, Spring 2021




Table of Contents

Special issue on:

Augmenting Space: The role of immersive technologies in future cities


Meet the Authors: An introduction




Callum Parker, Soojeong Yoo, Waldemar Jenek, Youngho Lee

p. 5 - 7 , download



Alexander Wiethoff, Marius Hoggenmueller, Beat Rossmy, Linda Hirsch, Luke Hespanhol , Martin Tomitsch

A Media Architecture Approach for Designing the Next Generation of Urban Interfaces, pp. 9 - 32,  abstractdownload




Salvatore Andolina, Yi-Ta Hsieh, Denis Kalkofen, Antti Nurminen, Diogo Cabral, Anna Spagnolli, Luciano Gamberini, Ann Morrison, Dieter Schmalstieg, Giulio Jacucci

Designing for Mixed Reality Urban Exploration, pp.  33 - 49, abstractdownload




Faruk Can Ünal, Yüksel Demir

Augmented reality supported model for the use of local data in architectural design, pp. 50 - 74, abstractdownload




Michael Hunter, Alessandro Soro, Ross Brown

Enhancing Urban Conversation for Smarter Cities – Augmented Reality as an enabler of digital civic participation, pp. 75 - 99,  abstractdownload




Brydon Wang

The Seductive Smart City and the Benevolent Role of Transparency, pp. 100 - 121,  abstractdownload




Seungyoub Ssin, Hochul Cho, Woontack Woo

GeoACT: Augmented Control Tower using Virtual and Real Geospatial Data, pp. 122 - 142,  abstractdownload




Kavita Gonsalves, Marcus Foth, Glenda Amayo Caldwell

Radical Placemaking: Utilizing Low-Tech AR/VR to engage in Communal Placemaking during a Pandemic, pp. 143 - 164,  abstractdownload




Author index

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