Selina Schepers
is a design researcher at LUCA School of Arts (Genk, Belgium). She graduated as a Master of Philosophy (mPhil) in Cultures of Arts, Science and Technology at the University of Maastricht (the Netherlands). Since 2010, she is part of the Social Spaces research group (research unit ‘Inter-Actions’), specialized in participatory art and design research. Over the years she has coordinated and participated in various research projects that deal with participatory design processes involving children, such as ‘MELoDiA’, ‘SPEEL-Goed’ and ‘Making Things!’. In 2015, she started her PhD research (KU Leuven, Faculty of Social Sciences) on the design of methods, tools and techniques for participatory design processes involving children. Besides being a researcher, Selina also teaches within the Communication & Media Design program of LUCA School of Arts, campus C-mine.
last update: October 2019
Articles published on IXD&A:
• Children’s roles in Participatory Design processes: making the role of process designer ‘work’, N. 41, pp. 87 - 108, abstract, download
• From Hacking Things to Making Things. Rethinking making by supporting non-expert users in a FabLab, N. 30, pp. 47 - 64, abstract, download