Cosmin Porumb
is one of the HyperMedia co-founders, a fully dedicated IT guy with 15+ years of experience proven by his technical and managerial responsibilities assumed in 50+ R&D projects.
He masters all the knowledge and skills on cutting-edge technologies such as video collaboration systems, mobile multimedia applications, interactive learning platforms, computer-supported collaborative learning environments, complex e-business solutions, and advanced human-computer interaction tools.
Since his PhD defense in 2005, he still continues to innovate in different areas with imaginative business orientation and important impact on the social segment. This is the way HyperTalk, HyperEDU, HyperMED or HyperCareers came to life as a robust and powerful technologies. Nevertheless, Cosmin has been involved as HyperMedia representative in many other software development projects with Romanian partners, as well as foreign partners from USA, Korea, Germany, Italy, France, etc.
last update: February 2017
Articles published on IXD&A:
External Resource Annotation Framework and its applications in E-learning, N. 31, pp. 86 - 97, abstract, download