N. 32, Spring 2017




Table of Contents

Special issue on:

The Future of Human-Building Interaction: An HCI Perspective




by Hamed S. Alavi, Elizabeth Churchill, Denis Lalanne
pp. 3 - 6 , download



Carine Lallemand, Vincent Koenig
The vocabulary of Learner-Space Interactions Understanding learning spaces experience through the repertory grid method, pp. 9 - 27,
abstract, download


Sara Nabil, David S. Kirk, Thomas Ploetz, Peter Wright 
Designing Future Ubiquitous Homes with OUI Interiors: Possibilities and Challenges, pp. 28 - 37,
abstract, download


Mahdis Aliasgari, Brendon Clark
Baby Steps or Stage Dive into a Critical Design Dialogue, pp. 38 - 47,
abstract, download


Selena Savic
Designing for Connectivity: Rethinking the Interaction with the Built Environment and Wireless Communication Infrastructure, pp. 48 - 67,
abstract, download




Focus Section on

'Transforming books and the reading experience through interactive technologies'



by Mohammad Obaid, Ilgim Veryeri Alaca, Pawel W. Wozniak, Lars Lischke, Mark Billinghurst
pp. 71 - 73, download



Adam Girard, Benjamin R. Cowan, Kalpana Shankar, David Coyle
Using Emotional Attachment as a Lens to Improve User’s E-reading Experience, pp. 74 - 83,
abstract, download


Pedro Ribeiro, Cristina Sylla, Ido Iurgel, Wolfgang Müller, Christian Ressel
STREEN – Designing Smart Environments for Story Reading with Children, pp. 84 - 103,
abstract, download


Monica Bordegoni, Marina Carulli, Yuan Shi, Daniele Ruscio
Investigating the effects of odours integration in reading and learning experiences, pp. 104 - 125,
abstract, download


Diane H. Sonnenwald, Jason McElligott
Investigating Human-Rare Historic Book Interaction among Young Adults, pp. 126 - 149,
abstract, download




Smart Learning Ecosystems and Regional Development - II part



Vincenzo Del Fatto, Gabriella Dodero, Armin Bernhard, Angelo Ferrando, Davide Ancona, Viviana Mascardi, Robert Laurini, Giuseppe Roccasalva
Hackmytown: an Educational Experience on Smart Cities, pp. 153 - 164,
abstract, download


Ana Melro, Lídia Oliveira
Implementation of Social Entrepreneurship Projects The path to Communities of Practice, pp. 165 - 172,
abstract, download


Muguras Mocofan, Andrei Ternauciuc
TrainCoDe - A study case of the management changes as a result of the lifelong learning, pp. 173 - 188,
abstract, download


Mounira Ilahi-Amri , Lilia Cheniti-Belcadhi, Rafik Braham 
A Framework for Competence based e-Assessment, pp. 189 - 204,
abstract, download


Manuella Kadar , Paul Nicolae Borza, Mihai Romanca, Dan Iordachescu, Teodora Iordachescu
Smart Testing Environment for the Evaluation of Students’ Attention, pp. 205 - 217, 
abstract, download



Author index

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